519.495.7451 London, Ontario


Client: To Tell

Project: Music Video

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Meet To Tell – a piano-driven pop/rock band from London, Ontario, Canada. Comprised of four passionate artists, To Tell provides the definitive standard of contagiously hooky songwriting, brilliant musicianship, and an electrifying, energetic live show.

To Tell was born in 2008 as a solo project by frontman/keyboardist Zach Havens. Havens, basing this musical undertaking on a lifetime of classical piano performance and virtuosity, soon filled out the ranks with Nate Rundle on guitar, Mike Switzer on drums, and Justyn Schwindt on bass. Since the beginning, To Tell has received widespread success resulting from a notoriously ambitious touring schedule, constant radio play, and numerous television appearances.

  • Website design
  • Music Video


“Creative, efficient, inspired, and brilliant are all words that come to mind as he surpassed all of my expectations and brought my brand to a whole other level. They have an amazing vision that was able to align with and encourage my own, allowing my band to stretch our reach to a whole other level.”
Zach Havens
Musician, To Tell

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